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vol. 85, 1998:

Dariusz BRODKA, Die Weltherrschaftstopik in den Kaiserpanegyriken des Sidonius Apollinaris, pp. 81-90

Robert J. EDGEWORTH, The shadow of the last queen of Carthage, pp. 47-50

Radoslaw GAWRONSKI, Bella Germanie libri viginti i De iaculatione equestri Pliniusza Starszego a spos�b walki kawalerii German�w: pr�ba interpretacji przekazu Tacyta (Germania 6) [= Bella Germaniae libri viginti and De iaculatione equestri by Pliny the Elder and the way of fight of the German cavalry. An attempt to interpret Tacitus' information (Germania 6)], pp. 35-46

Agata KLUCZEK, Dynastic policy in Roman Empire in the years 235-284, pp. 135-141

Katarzyna MAKSYMIUK, Odenat - Rzymianin czy Palmyrenczyk? [= Odenathus - a Roman or a citizen of Palmyra?], pp. 143-153

Przemyslaw NEHRING, Die Topik von exordium und narratio in den fr�hen lateinischen Heligenviten, pp. 51-79

Sebastian RUCINSKI, Geneza cesarskiej prefektury miejskiej [= La gen�se de la pr�fecture imp�riale de la ville], pp. 91-105

Lukasz TOFILSKI, Some remarks on tens and aspect in the supplementary participle construction in ancient Greek, pp. 9-21

Elzbieta WESOLOWSKA, Pamiec w rozwazaniach Seneki filozofa [= Seneca's considerations of memory], pp. 23-33

Bohdan WISNIEWSKI, Sur la philosophie de M�trodore de Chios, pp. 5-7

Przemyslaw WOJCIECHOWSKI, Religi�se Kulte im antiken Aquileia: lokale Gottheiten, pp. 155-160

Jerzy ZELAZOWSKI, Honos bigae. le statue onorarie in forma di tiro, pp. 1231-133

Marek ZYROMSKI, The relations between Sassanian Persia and the Roman Empire during the Principate: part of the Roman "grand strategy" or only response crisis, pp. 107-119