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vol. 17, 1983:

Jaakko ARONEN, 'Apos�kakoi theo� & 'Ath�na apotropa�a in the Roman Forum: A note on IGUR 94-95, pp. 5-11

Iiro KAJANTO, Notes on the cult of Fortuna, pp. 13-20

Mika KAJAVA, A note on the text tradition of CIL IX 1973, pp. 21-22

Bengt L�FSTEDT, Zur Latinit�t von T. Mores Utopia, pp. 23-30

Martti NYMAN, Reconstructing compound accentuation: On the pre-Latin initial stress, pp. 31-47

Tuomo PEKKANEN, The Hellusii & the Oxiones of Tac. Germ. 46,4, pp. 49-60

Leena PIETIL�-CASTR�N, Atria Tiberina: Remarks on Ovid's Fasti 4, 275-347, pp. 61-68

Olli SALOMIES, Appius Claudius Iulianus und CIL X 1688, pp. 69-77

Timo SIRONEN, Un nuovo documento osco-lucano del IV sec. a.C. da Pisticci, pp. 79-86

Heikki SOLIN, Analecta epigraphica LXXX-LXXXV, pp. 87-108

Rolf WESTMAN, Analecta Oenoandensia: Zu neuen Fragmenten des Diogenes, pp. 109-118

Toivo VILJAMAA, Gallus - Soldier or shepherd?, pp. 119-122

Maija V�IS�NEN, Una nave d'Alceo in tempesta: Che tipo di allegoria: Un commento al "Dichter und Gruppe" di W. R�sler, pp. 123-133