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vol. 16, 1982:Paavo CASTR�N, Hic et ubique: Survival of a formula, pp. 7-9
Anne HELTTULA, Did Apicius use the accusative absolute?, pp. 11-17
Siegfried J�KEL, Euripideische Handlungsstrukturen in der Samia des Menander, pp. 19-31
Iiro KAJANTO, Lorenzo Belo's Eulogy of Rome: An epigraphical document of the spirit of the counter reformation, pp. 33-44
Martti LEIWO, The mysterious Ph�larchos, pp. 45-55
Saara LILJA, Homosexuality in Plautus' play, pp. 57-64
Bengt L�FSTEDT, Drei patristische Beitr�ge, pp. 65-72
Outi MERISALO, Platina et le Liber pontificalis: Un humaniste devant un texte m�di�val, pp. 73-97
Teivas OKSALA, Zum Gebrauch der griechischen Lehw�rter bei Catull, pp. 99-119
Leena PIETIL�-CASTR�N, New-men & the Greek war booty in the 2nd century BC, pp. 121-144
Reijo PITK�RANTA, Lexikalisches zu einigen naturwissenschaftlichen Dissertationen Finnlands von 1645-1661, pp. 145-152
Olli Ilmari SALOMIES, Quintilian und Vitorius Marcellus, pp. 153-158
Timo SIRONEN, Osservazioni sulle grafie per l'i breve d'origine greca nell'osco, pp. 159-164
Heikki SOLIN, Analecta epigraphica LXXIX, pp. 165-222
Raimo TUOMI, Adverbiales vicem: Erl�uterung einer STelle in den Atticus-Briefen Ciceros, 10, 8, 7, pp. 223-226