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vol. 5, 1967:

Leiv AMUNDSEN, Horace, Carm. I. 3, pp. 7-22

Gerhard BENDZ, Par similisque, pp. 23-27

Eric BERGGREN, A new approach to the closing centuries of Etruscan history: A teamwork project, pp. 29-43

Axel BOETHIUS, Nota sul tempio capitolino e su Vitruvio III, 3. 5, pp. 45-49

Patrick BRUUN, The foedus Gabinum, pp. 51-66

Iiro KAJANTO, Contributions to Latin morphology, pp. 67-77

Heikki KOSKENNIEMI, Epistula Sarapammonis P. S. I. 1412 particula aucta, pp. 79-84

Saara LILJA, Indebtedness to Hecataeus in Herodotus II 70-71, pp. 85-96

Georg LUCK, Die Schrift vom Erhabenen und ihr Verfasser, pp. 97-113

Dag NORBERG, Le d�but de l'hymnologie latine en l'honneur des saints, pp. 115-125

Jaakko SUOLAHTI, The origin of the story about the first Marathonrunner, pp. 127-133

J. SVENNUNG, Zur Textkritik des Apologeticus Orosii, pp. 135-139

Holger THESLEFF, Stimmungsmalerei oder Burleske? Der Stil von Plat. Phaidr. 230 bc und seine Funktion, pp. 141-155

Rolf WESTMAN, Zur Kenntnis der �ltesten Handschrift von Ciceros Orator, pp. 157-168

Erik WISTRAND, On the problem of Catalepton 3, pp. 169-175

Heikki SOLIN, Bibliographie von Henrik Zilliacus, pp. 177-182