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vol. 2, 1958:

Pentii AALTO, Marginal notes on the Minoan Linear B, pp. 7-14

Patrick BRUUN, The disappearance of Sol from the coins of Constantine, pp. 15-37

Johann CHYDENIUS, Nathan the Prophet in Dante's Paradiso, pp. 38-41

Reino HAKAMIES, Remarques lexicographiques sur le latin m�di�val de Finlande, pp. pp. 42-51

Karl-Erik HENRIKSSON, Epigraphica Christiana Vaticana, pp. 52-54

Iiro KAJANTO, Notes on Livy's conception of history, pp. 55-63

Edwin LINKOMIES, De textu Petroniano recensendo, pp. 64-67

Eino MIKKOLA, "Schole" bei Aristoteles, pp. 68-87

P�ivo OKSALA, "Fides" und "Pietas" bei Catull, pp. 88-103

Erkki PALM�N, Die lateinischen pronominalen Ortsadverbien in Kasusbedeutung, pp. 104-142

T. STEINBY, A pontifical document, pp. pp. 143-151

Jaakko SUOLAHTI, The council of L. Cornelius P. f. Crus in the year 49 B.C., pp. 152-163

J. SVENNUNG, Numerierung von Fabrikaten und anderen Gegenst�nden im r�mischen Altertum, pp. 164-186

Holger THESLEFF, On the origin of genitive absolute, pp. pp. 187-207

Rolf WESTMANN, Textkritisches zu Senecas Dialogen, pp. 208-216

Henrik ZILLIACUS, Tragod�a und drama in metaphorischer Bedeutung, pp. 217-220