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vol. 6, 1970:

Kaarle HIRVONEN, Cledonomancy & the grinding slave woman, Od. XX, 91-121, pp. 5-21

Jorma KAIMIO, The nominative singular in -i of latin gentilicia, pp. 23-42

Iiro KAJANTO, Tacitus on the slave. An interpretation of the annales XIV, 42-45, pp. 43-60

Saara LILJA, On the nature of Pliny's letters, pp. 61-79

Olli MAKKONEN, Waldterminologie im Latein, pp. 81-90

P�iv� OKSALA, Das Geschlecht des Attis bei Catull, pp. 91-96

Tuomo PEKKANEN, Finnicus Afinius, pp. 97-99

Heikki SOLIN, Analecta epigraphica, pp. 101-112

Jaakko SUOLAHTI, Legatio libera, pp. 113-119

Holger THESLEFF, Genitive absolute & Platonic style, pp. 121-131

Tovo VILJAMA, Ciceros Bildersprache und die Quellenfrage von Tusc. disp. I, 26-81, pp. 133-146

Maarit VUORENJUURI, Vocative singular addressing the chorus in Greek drama, pp. 147-160