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vol. 10, 1976:

Patrick BRUUN, Portrait of a Constantine's break with the tetrarchy, pp. 5-23

Tapio HELEN, A problem in Roman brick stamps: Who were Lucilla n(ostra) & Aurel(ius) Caes(ar) n(oster), the owners of the figlinae Fulvianae?, pp. 27-36

Paavo HOHTI, Die Schuldfrage der Perserkriege in Herodots Geschichtswerk, pp. 37-48

Iiro KAJANTO, On the significance of the hammer & other tools depicted on Christian funeral inscriptions, pp. 49-58

Saara LILJA, Vermin in ancient Greece, pp. 59-68

Tuomo PEKKANEN, Nomine superioris (Tac. Germ. 36,1), pp. 69-74

Hannu RIIKONEN, The attitude of Roman poets & orators to the countryside as a place for creative work, pp. 75-85

Heikki SOLIN, Analecta epigraphica XXXII-XXXIX, pp. 87-96

Jaakko SUOLAHTI, M. Claudius Glicia qui scriba fuerat dictator, pp. 97-103

Holger THESLEFF, The date of the Pseudo-Platonic Hippias Major, pp. 105-117

Toivo VILJAMA, Magnum fas nefasque. Horace's Epode 5, 87-88, pp. 119-123

Maija V�IS�NEN, Alcune famiglie eminenti (Titii, Ulpii, Statilii) nelle iscrizioni onorarie a Prusia all'Ipio in Bitinia, pp. 125-132