Medieval Philosophy & Theology
Medioevo Rivista per la Storia della Filosofia Medievale
Mediterranean Prehistory Online
Medusa (Stockholm)
Method & Theory in the Study of Religion
METIS - Revue d'anthropologie du monde grec ancien
Milit�rgeschichtliche Mitteilungen
Minerva - International Review of Ancient Art & Archaeology
Mitteilungsblatt des Deutschen Altphilologenverbandes (fortgesetzt durch Forum Classicum)
Mittelweg 36 - Hamburger Institut f�r Sozialforschung
Modern Judaism
Moral Musings - A Quarterly Journal of Social & Political Theory
M�wia Wieki - Magazyn Historyczny
Neue Jahrb�cher f�r das klassische Altertum, Geschichte und Deutsche Literatur
New Archaeology & Science Magazine
Newsletter for Anatolian Studies (full-text)
Newsletter for Targum & Cognate Studies
Newsletter of the Department of Anthropology, Univ. of Florida
Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic
Nordisk Nytestamentlyg Nyhendebrev
Notes -Italian Archaeological Bulletin
Noticias de Antropolog�a y Arqueolog�a
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic
NTM - International Journal of History & Ethics of Natural Sciences,Technology & Medicine
�sterreichische Zeitschrift f�r Geschichtswissenschaften
Old World Archaeology Newsletter
Online Archaeology - An Electronic Journal of Archaeological Theory (Univ. of Southampton - full-text)
Oral History Review - Journal of the Oral History Association
Orientalia Ab Argentina - Journal of Ancient Near East History & Biblical Studies
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung
Osnabr�cker Online - Beitr�ge zu den Altertumswissenschaften
Osteuropa - Zeitschrift f�r Gegenwartsfragen des Ostens
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly
Paideia - Revista de filosof�a y did�ctica filos�fica
Paideusis - Journal of Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Studies
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology
Paragrana - Internationale Zeitschrift f�r Historische Anthropologie
Perseus Project - On-Line Newsletter
PLEKOS - Periodicum onLine zur Erforschung der KOmmunikationsstrukturen in der Sp�tantike
Philologie im Netz (Freie Univ. Berlin)
Philologus - Zeitschrift f�r antike Literatur und ihre Rezeption
Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger
Philosophy & Literature or alternate
Philosophy & Phenomenological Research
Philosophy & Rhetoric or alternate
Philosophy of the Social Sciences
Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology
Phoenix - The Journal of the Classical Association of Canada or alternate
PLEKOS - Periodicum onLine zur Erforschung der Kommunikationsstrukturen in der Sp�tantike
POESIS (Philosophy Online Serials)
Pomoerium - Studia et commentarii ad orbem classicum spectantia (full-text)
Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences & the Humanities
Prima - Journal for the Elementary Teachers of the Classics
Pro Austria Romana - Nachrichtenblatt f�r die Forschungsarbeit �ber die R�merzeit in �sterreich
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society
Psyche - An Intedisciplinary Journal of Research on Consciousness
Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica
Revista Chilena de Antropologia or alternate
Revista Electr�nica Galega de Arqueolox�a (REGA)
Review of Metaphysics or 50 Years of TRM on CD-ROM
Revista da Associaao Independente Arqueologia dedicada Arqueologia em Portugal
Revista del CUIB (Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecol�gicas de la UNAM)
Revista Electr�nica de investigaci�n y evaluaci�n educativa
Revista Espa�ola de Filosof�a Medieval
Revistas de Historia en la Red
Revue Internationale des Droits de l'Antiquit� (full-text)
Revue des �tudes Augustiniennes
Rheinisches Museum f�r Philologie
Roczniki Humanistyczne - Filologia Klasyczna
Roma moderna e contemporanea - Rivista interdisciplinare di storia