Machine Learning

Manuscripta Orientalia

MASCA - Research Papers in Science and Archaeology

Masters's Seminary Journal

Mathesis Universalis


Mediaeval Studies


Medieval Philosophy & Theology

Medieval Studies

Medioevo Rivista per la Storia della Filosofia Medievale

Mediterranean Prehistory Online

Mediterranean Studies Journal

Medusa (Stockholm)


Metaphor & Symbolic Activity


Method & Theory in the Study of Religion

METIS - Revue d'anthropologie du monde grec ancien

Midrasz On line

Milit�rgeschichtliche Mitteilungen

Military History Journal

Mind or alternate

Mind & Language

Minds & Machines

Minerva - International Review of Ancient Art & Archaeology

Mitteilungsblatt des Deutschen Altphilologenverbandes (fortgesetzt durch Forum Classicum)

Mittelweg 36 - Hamburger Institut f�r Sozialforschung

Modern Judaism

Modern Schoolman



Moral Musings - A Quarterly Journal of Social & Political Theory

M�wia Wieki - Magazyn Historyczny

Mundo Maya

Mundo Maya on Line

M�nstersche Beitr�ge zur Antiken Handelgeschichte


Museum Anthropology

Museum Helveticum

Mythosphere - A Journal for Image, Myth, & Symbol

National Geographic

Natural Language Semantics


Network - Computation in Neural Systems

Neue Jahrb�cher f�r das klassische Altertum, Geschichte und Deutsche Literatur

New Archaeology & Science Magazine

New England Classical Journal

Newsletter for Anatolian Studies (full-text)

Newsletter for Targum & Cognate Studies

Newsletter of the Department of Anthropology, Univ. of Florida 

Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic

Nordisk Nytestamentlyg Nyhendebrev

Northeast Anthropology

Notes -Italian Archaeological Bulletin

Noticias de Antropolog�a y Arqueolog�a

Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic


Nowy Filomata

NTM - International Journal of History & Ethics of Natural Sciences,Technology & Medicine

Numisma Asloia (Oslo Numismatiske Forenings)

Numismatique et Change


�sterreichische Zeitschrift f�r Geschichtswissenschaften


Old World Archaeology Newsletter


Online Archaeology - An Electronic Journal of Archaeological Theory (Univ. of Southampton - full-text)

Oral History Review - Journal of the Oral History Association

Orientalia Ab Argentina - Journal of Ancient Near East History & Biblical Studies

Orientalistische Literaturzeitung


Osnabr�cker Online - Beitr�ge zu den Altertumswissenschaften

Osteuropa - Zeitschrift f�r Gegenwartsfragen des Ostens

Oxbridge Directory of Newsletters - Numismatics

Oxford Journal of Archaeology

Oxford studies in ancient philosophy

Pacific Philosophical Quarterly

Paideia - Revista de filosof�a y did�ctica filos�fica

Paideusis - Journal of Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Studies 


Papers from the Institute of Archaeology

Paragrana - Internationale Zeitschrift f�r Historische Anthropologie

Past & Present

Perseus Project - On-Line Newsletter

Perspectives on Science

PLEKOS - Periodicum onLine zur Erforschung der KOmmunikationsstrukturen in der Sp�tantike


Petronian Society Newsletter



Philologie im Netz (Freie Univ. Berlin)

Philologus - Zeitschrift f�r antike Literatur und ihre Rezeption

Philosophia or alternate

Philosophical Books

Philosophical Explorations

Philosophical Investigations

Philosophical Papers

Philosophical Psychology

Philosophical Quarterly

Philosophical Review

Philosophical Studies

Philosophical Topics

Philosophical Writings

Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger


Philosophy & Geography

Philosophy & Literature or alternate

Philosophy & Phenomenological Research

Philosophy & Rhetoric or alternate

Philosophy & Theology

Philosophy East & West

Philosophy Now

Philosophy of Science

Philosophy of the Social Sciences

Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology

Phoenix - The Journal of the Classical Association of Canada or alternate

PLEKOS - Periodicum onLine zur Erforschung der Kommunikationsstrukturen in der Sp�tantike


POESIS (Philosophy Online Serials)


Pomoerium - Studia et commentarii ad orbem classicum spectantia (full-text)

Pompeiiana Newsletter

Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences & the Humanities

Pr�historische Zeitschrift

Pragmatics & Cognition

Prima - Journal for the Elementary Teachers of the Classics

Pro Austria Romana - Nachrichtenblatt f�r die Forschungsarbeit �ber die R�merzeit in �sterreich

Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society

Process Studies

Przeglad Historyczny

Psyche - An Intedisciplinary Journal of Research on Consciousness

Psychoanalytic Studies

Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica


Qui Parle


Ratio Juris

Recherches Augustiniennes

R.E.G.A. - Revista Electr�nica Galega de Arqueolox�a


Religious Studies

Res - Anthropology & Aesthetics

Retiarius or alternate

Revista Agustiniana

Revista Chilena de Antropologia or alternate

Revista Electr�nica Galega de Arqueolox�a (REGA)

Revista de Estudios Ibericos

Review of Biblical Literature

Review of Higher Education

Review of Metaphysics or  50 Years of TRM on CD-ROM

Revista da Associaao Independente Arqueologia dedicada Arqueologia em Portugal

Revista del CUIB (Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecol�gicas de la UNAM)

Revista del Derecho

Revista Electr�nica de investigaci�n y evaluaci�n educativa

Revista Espa�ola de Filosof�a Medieval

Revista Perfiles Educativos

Revista Universidad de M�xico

Revistas de Historia en la Red

Revue Arch�ologique

Revue d'Histoire des Textes

Revue Internationale des Droits de l'Antiquit� (full-text)

Revue des �tudes Augustiniennes

Rheinisches Museum f�r Philologie



Roczniki Humanistyczne - Filologia Klasyczna

Roma moderna e contemporanea - Rivista interdisciplinare di storia