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vol. 34, 1993:

T. ADAMIK, Rhetorical Narration and the Literary Novella, pp. 151nn.

T. ADAMIK, The System of Rhetorical and its Teaching in Antiquity, pp. 171nn.

G. BOLONYAI, Iudicium docti indoctique, pp. 103nn.

J. HARMATTA, The Seal with Unintelligible Script pf the Foroughi Collection, pp. 181nn.

J. JOUANNA, Libations et sacrifices dans la tragédie grecque, pp. 77nn.

Siegfried JÄKEL, Beobachtungen zum ambivalenten Denken bei Ps. Longinus in seinem Buch ΠΕΡΙ ΥΨΟΥΣ, pp. 139nn.

A. KÁRPÁTI, The Musical Fragments of Philolaus and the Pythagorean Tradition, pp. 55nn.

D.-A. KUKOFKA, Die παιδίσκοι im System der spartanischen Altersklassen, pp. 69nn.

P. LAUTNER, Philoponean Accounts on Phantasia, pp. 159nn.

M. MARÓTH, Die Poetik und Physik des Aristoteles, pp. 95nn.

Zs. RITOÓK, The Pisistratus Tradition and the Canonization of Homer, pp. 39nn.

T. ZIMMER, Momies dorées: matériaux pour servir à l'établissement d'un corpus, pp. 3nn.