
Christian Start Page

Christ Web

Christian Start Network


CrossSearch Apologetics

Gospel Communications Network

Christian Resource Index

Church Directory

Catholic Files


Christian homepages

Christian links

Christian ThinkTank

Sammlung katholischer Homepages in Deutschland (KathWeb)

Sammlung katholischer Homepages in Deutschland (Pfarrer Gundermann)

Kath. PG St. Ludwig Ibbenb�ren (Pfarrer Weber)

Theologisch interessante Pages im WWW

Phil Johnson's Bookmarks

Uli's Christian Links


Chrzescijanskie Zasoby Internetu

Chrzescijanski serwis WWW Mateusz

Amen (Wieslaw Mr�z) or alternate

Nieoficjalna strona OO. Dominikan�w w Poznaniu

Oficjalna Bractwa sw. Piusa

Wsp�lnoty w Polsce

Parafie polskie w internecie or alternate

Katholische Kirche

Katholische Kirche im Privatfunk NRW

Katholische Glaubensinformationen



Deutsche Bischofskonferenz

Bist�mer im WWW

Katholische homepages in Deutschland

Theologische Revue

Katholische Kirche

Das Sonntagsblatt

Elektronische B�cher zum Thema Sekten

Radio Vatican

Radio Vaticana Kurznachrichten

Radio Vaticana Kurznachrichten- Archiv

Dokumenty Soboru Watykanskiego

Enzykliken des Papstes

Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland

Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag

Evangelischer Presseverband

Gemeinschaftswerk der Evangelischen Publizistik

Selbst�ndige Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche

Evangelisch-lutherische Freikirche

Nordeurop�ische Lutherakademie

Lutherischer Weltbund

500 Jahre Philipp Melanchthon

Das Diakonische Werk

Der Gemeindewebring

European Christian Internet Conference

Erfahrungen mit Computereinsatz in der Exegese

Software for Theologians

Literatur zu Bibel und Computer

Ecumenical Resources

Die �kumenische Communaut� von Taiz�

World Council of Churches

ARTFL Project (Latin Vulgate Bible Search Form - M. Olsen/University of Chicago, Ill.)

Wheaton Bible Names

Navigating the Bible (Online Bar/Bat Mitzvah Lesson)

What the Bible Says About ... or Co Biblia m�wi na ten temat?

Mysteries of the Bible

Bible-Links Page

Bible Browser

Bible Gateway - Book list for English-RS

Bible Gateway - Multiple Versions

Latin version

Bible Concordance

Elbikon - Bibelkonkordanz-Software f�r Windows

Christliche Software & Texte

Electronic Bible Society


Biblia Hebraica Quinta

Blue Letter Bible (Interlinear Hebrew & Greek)

Hebrew Bible

Revised Standard Version (ETEXT Center)

Greek and Hebrew Interlinear Bible

Vulgate Bible

Jerome's Vulgate

Latin Bible

Biblia Sacra or other page

Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis (Biblioteka Chrzescijanskiej Spolecznosci Internet)

Strona Biblijna (Papieski Wydzial Teologiczny w Poznaniu)

Biblia Tysiaclecia (Papieski Wydzial Teologiczny w Poznaniu)

Biblia Tysiaclecia or alternate

Biblia elektroniczna

Internetowa Biblia 2000

Original Bible Project

Vietchij Zaviet (Russian)



New Testament Gateway (Mark Goodacre)

Greek New Testament

Greek New Testament (transliterated into English Font) or alternate

New Testament

Greek New Testament, various editions &  selections

Download Ancient Greek New Testament Manuscripts

Resources for Studying Greek

NT Resources for Greek Grammar and Exegesis 

Computer Assisted Tools for Septuagint- Scriptural Study 

Septuagint, Morphologically Analyzed

Septuagint and Old Greek Studies

Electronic New Testament Manuscripts Project

Revised Standard Version (ETEXT Center)

Multiple Versions (Bible Gateway)

Novyj Zaviet (Russian)

Gospel of Mark Homepage

Gnostic Society Virtual Library

Historical Overview of Gnosticism (Terje Bergersen)

Gnostic Scriptures & fragments in translation

Nag Hammadi Library or alternate

Non-Canonical Home Page

Gospel of Thomas

Gospel of Thomas Home Page

Arbeitshilfen f�r das Studium der Pseudepigraphe (Thomas Knittel)

Ancient Jewish Accounts of Jesus (Alan Humm)

Jesus Puzzle (Earl Doherty)

Dead Sea Scrolls


Old Testament Apocrypha & Pseudepigrapha

Christian Apocrypha & Early Christian Literature

Nicene Creed

Definition of Chalcedon

Athanasian Creed

Ordo Missae

CETEDOC - Library of Christian Latin Texts (CLCLT)

Studying the Church Fathers & Church History (Basil Miller)


Medieval Christian Anthology (Sankt Petersburg - Russian & English)

Patrologia Latina Database

Patrologia Latina - The Full Text Database

Base d�Information Bibliographique en Patristique

Medieval Christian Anthology (Sankt Petersburg - Russian & English)

Computerized Christian Literature (Ages Software)

Fathers of the Church

Guide to Early Church Documents or alternate


Early Church Documents (Aaron Bryce C�rdenas)

Early Church Fathers (Christian Classics Ethereal Library)

Early Church Sources (Pomoerium)

Ante-Nicene, Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers (Philip Schaff, Henry Wace)


Epistle to the Corinthians


Epistle to Diognetus


Epistle to the Philippians



Epistle to the Ephesians

Epistle to the Magnesians

Epistle to the Trallians

Epistle to the Romans

Epistle to the Philadelphians

Epistle to the Smyrnaeans

Epistle to Polycarp

Appendix - Syriac Version

Spurious Epistles






Justin Martyr

First Apology

Second Apology

Dialogue with Trypho, a Jew

Discourse to the Greeks

Hortatory Address to the Greeks

On the Sole Government of God

On the Resurrection - Fragments

Other Fragments



Against Heresies

Against Heresies (ed. Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson)

Fragments (ed. Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson)

Origines - El descubrimiento del EGO del tercer milenio

Tertullian (ed. Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson)


On Idolatry

Shows, or De Spectaculis

Chaplet, Or De Corona

To Scapula

Ad Nationes

Book I

Book II

An Answer to the Jews

Soul's Testimony

Treatise on the Soul

Prescription Against Heretics

Five Books Against Marcion

Book I

Book II

Book III

Book IV

Book V

Against Hermogenes

Against the Valentinians

On the Flesh of Christ

On the Resurrection of the Flesh

Against Praxeas


On Repentance

On Baptism

On Prayer

Ad Martyras

Of Patience

Hieronymus (ed. Philip Schaff, Henry Wace)


Life of Paulus the First Hermit

Life of S. Hilarion

Life of Malchus, the Captive Monk

Dialogue against the Luciferians

Perpetual Virginity of Blessed Mary

Against Jovinianus

Book I

Book II

Against Vigilantius

To Pammachius against John of Jerusalem

Against the Pelagians

Book I

Book II

Book III

Hieronymus - Against Jovinianius


Wortindex zu Ambrosius

De Excessu Fratris Sui Satyri

De Fide ad Gratianum

De Mysteriis

De Officiis Ministrorum

De Paenitentia

De Spiritu Sancto

De Viduis

De Virginibus ad Marcellinam Sororem


Sermo contra Auxentium de Basilicis Tradendis

Epistulae or alternate

Basil the Great - Epistle VII (tr. Blomfield Jackson)

Gregory of Nyssa Homepage

Gr�goire de Nazianze (Universit� Catholique de Louvain)

Projektgruppe Kyrill von Alexandrien - Contra Iulianum

Ante-Nicene, Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers (Philip Schaff, Henry Wace)

Augustine (J. O'Donnell)

Homepage des Hl. Augustinus

St. Augustine or alternate

Augustini Opera

De Civitate Dei or alternate

de dialectica or alternate or alternate

Confessions of Saint Augustine (tr. Edward Boverie Pusey)

Confessiones or alternate or alternate

de musica or alternate

de dialectica (in Latin) or alternate (in English)


De Catechizandis Rudibus

On the Good of Marriage (De Bono Conjugali)

On Christian Doctrine

Expositions on the Book of Psalms

Sermones or alternate or alternate (ed. Philip Schaff)

Epistulae or alternate or alternate

Regula Sancti Augustini

Handschriftliche �berlieferung der Werke des Heiligen Augustinus

SLA - Specimina eines Lexicon Augustinianum (�sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften)

Passio Perpetuae

Eucheri de laude eremi


John Cassian

Twelve Books on the Institutes of the Coenobia


Part I

Part II

Part III

Seven Books on the Incarnation of the Lord, Against Nestorius

Prudenti Carmina

Prudenti Psychomachia

Decimus Magnus Ausonius

Pagina Ausonii

Ausonius - Opera Omnia

Mosella or alternate

Sulpitius Severus (tr. Alexander Roberts)

Life of St. Martin



Doubtful Letters

Sacred History

Cassiodorus or alternate

De Anima

Gregory the Great

Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius or alternate

Consolatio Philosophiae or alternate (ed. James J. O'Donnell)

Consolation of Philosophy

De Institutione Musica

Isidor von Sevilla in HS83II

Isidore - Etymologiae, lib. I,27: De orthographia

Cosmas Indicopleustes - Christian Topography (Andrew Wiesner)

Projektgruppe Kyrill v. Alexandrien, Contra Iulianum

Augustianskie strony o. Szymona (o. Szymon Piotr Janowski O.S.A.)

Regula Sancti Benedicti

Internet Medieval Sourcebook - Saints Lives

Refrigerium Web Sites

Resource Pages for Biblical Studies (Torey Seland)

International Bible & Theology Gateways

Bibelwissenschaft von Franz B�hmisch

Theologische Hilfsmittel

Propriet�s des nombres

Bible numbers & hidden codes

KIWWI - Informacje

Katolicki Informator Wydawniczy

Ksiegarnia sw. Hieronima

Katalog wydawnictw ATK w Warszawie 1995-1998 on-line

Catholic Encyclopedia

Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon

Online Enzyklop�die zur alten Kirchengeschichte

Bibliographie biblique

Bibliografia Historii Kosciola

Bibliografia z zakresu teologii moralnej i etyki

Polska Bibliografia nauk koscielnych

Bibliografia Patrystyczna (Henryk Pietras SJ)

Zr�dla Mysli Teologicznej (Henryk Pietras SJ)

Ojcowie Zywi (Henryk Pietras SJ)

Pisma Ojc�w Kosciola i Pisma Starozytnych Pisarzy (ks. Jan Slomka)

Inne serie i pojedyncze wydawnictwa (ks. Jan Slomka)

Vox Patrum (Contents)

Patristic Studies (Univ. Fribourg)

Bibliographic Information Base in Patristics

Canadian Society of Patristic Studies

Patristische Arbeitshilfen im Internet (Martin Wallraff)

Theologische Fakult�ten in Europa

Kath.-Theologische Fakult�t (Univ. M�nster)

Katholisch-Theologische Fakult�t (Univ. Bonn)

Kath.-theologische Fakult�t (Univ. W�rzburg)

Katholisch-Theologische Fakult�t (Univ. Passau)

Katholisch-Theologische Fakult�t (Univ. Bochum)

Katholisch-Theologische Fakult�t (Univ. Augsburg)

Katholisch-Theologische Fakult�t (Univ. Bamberg)

Ev. Theologische Fakult�t an der Univ. Wien

Russkij Christianskij Humanitarnyj Institut

Knihovna Evangelick� teologick� fakulty UK

Federacja Bibliotek Koscielnych FIDES

Instytut Teologiczny im. sw. Jana Kantego

Wyzsze Seminarium Duchowne OO. Franciszkanow w Katowicach

Wyzsze Slaskie Seminarium duchowne w Katowicach

Biblioteka Wyzszego Archidiecezjalnego Seminarium Duchownego w Lodzi

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski w Lublinie

Biblioteka Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego

Akademia Teologii Katolickiej -Filia w Szczecinie

Arcybiskupie Wyzsze Seminarium Duchowne pw. Sw. Rodziny w Szczecinie

Wyzsze Seminarium Duchowne w Tarnowie or alternate

Wyzsze Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Torunskiej w Toruniu

Biblioteka Gl�wna Akademii Teologii Katolickiej (Warszawa)

Wyzsze Metropolitalne Seminarium Duchowne w Warszawie

Ordensgemeinschaften in Deutschland

Pagina monastica (Eric Steinhau)

Klosterf�hrer Online (Matthias-Gr�newald-Verlag)






Cistercians Index




Parallel Aligned Hebrew-Aramaic & Greek Jewish Scriptures

And Adam Knew Eve. A Dictionary of Sex in the Bible (Ronald L. Ecker)

Status of women in the Bible

Traces of the ancient forms of cannibalistic ritual in Christianity

Origin of Christianity & Judaism


Inscriptions Documenting Jews & Judaism in the Greek-Roman Diaspora (Ross S. Kraemer)

Electronic New Testament Manuscripts Project (Tim Finney & James K. Tauber)

Introduction to the New Testament (Albright College/Alan Humm)

Encyclopedia of New Testament Textual Criticism (Rich Elliot)

Philadelphia Seminar on Christian Origins

Institute for Early Christianity in the Graeco-Roman World

Construction of Christian Identity in Antiquity (Halvor Moxnes/Univ. Oslo & Bergen)

Spatial Management of Gender & Labor in Graeco-Roman Galilee (Marianne Sawicki)

Palestine in the time of Jesus - Social Institutions & Social Conflicts (K. C. Hanson, Douglas E. Oakman)

Coins of Jesus' Time (Jack Kilmon)

David Hendin's Guide to Biblical Coins

Handbook of Biblical Numismatics (Mel Wacks)

Christian Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt

Encyclopedia Coptica

Die Syrisch-Orthodoxe Kirche