General notices. Pomoerium. Studia et commentarii ad orbem classicum spectantia is not dominated by a single point of view and wishes to publish contributions on any subject of classical interest, and especially on ancient history and classical philology, and to present as many views as possible.
It relies for its contents mainly on solicited material, but original ideas and constructive suggestions will be ever welcomed by the editor. Pomoerium publishes papers in English, German, French or Italian.
The editors prefer to work with manuscripts that are usually not more than 25 pages in length, not counting notes, tables, and charts. Especially helpful are submissions are that IBM compatible. These include word-processing programs on 3.5 inch (in particular MS Word, Word Perfect or RTF-format.
Terms of acceptance. The author is responsible for all statements made in the submitted manuscript, including changes made by the copy editor, unless the author challenges the changes at the time the manuscript is reviewed with the understanding that they are not being considered by another publication.
Because of the volume of work they face, they do not usually send comments to authors. Although rejected manuscripts are usually returned to the author unless self-adressed envelopes with correct postage are provided, the Pomoerium is however not responsible for loss. Authors are only responsible for checking all quotations and supplying complete references.
Accepted manuscripts become the property of the Pomoerium and may not be published elsewhere without written permission. Accepted manuscripts are subject to quality review concerning acceptability of illustrations, reference accuracy, and completeness.
Manuscripts style should be in accordance with the style requirements are indicated below. Manuscripts not meeting the submission criteria will still be reviewed by the Editorial Board. If accepted, the author must agree to correct any deficiencies.
Typing requirements. All manuscripts must be typewritten on A4 210x297 mm heavy duty. All copy must be doubled spaced, including references, legends, footnotes, and quoted material. Allow margins of at least 30 mm at top, bottom, and left and 25 mm at right. All weights and measures must be expressed in the metric system.
Reference bibliography. The reference bibliography will be critically examined at the time of review for acceptance. Referencing and other matters of bibliographic style should follow the form normally used (with certain indispensable changes) in international periodicals.
Order of publication. Articles are generally published in order of acceptance.
Manuscript submission. If an article was typed on computer, the author will be asked to submit the file per e-mail or the floppy disk. Otherwise send a good original and two copies. Designate one author as correspondent. Send files or manuscripts to the managing editor: and/or disks to the managing editor.
Permission to copy. Material in this journal may be photocopied for the noncommercial purpose of educational or scientific advancement. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying.
Founded and edited in Bochum by Ryszard Pankiewicz, who is the sole proprietor and to whom, addressed by name, contributions on any subject of classical interest should be sent, and cheques and checs made payable.
Copyright � 2003 by Pomoerivm
All rights reserved