Classical World

Amazing Ancient World

David's Website on the Ancient World

Peter Taylor's Home Page - The Classical World

Antigua Grecia

Spartan History

Ostracism at Athens

Ancient Rome

Roma e altre passioni

Forum Romanum (David Camden)

Livia's Palace

Nova Roma

Romans ancient, medieval & modern

Olympic Games in the Ancient Hellenic World

Olympics through Time (Foundation of the Hellenic World)

Roman Gladiators & Gladiatorial Games (D. Slapek)

Roman Gladiator


Familia Gladiatoria (J�nos Weixelbaum)

SPQR Citizens' Companion (Gail Beddow)

Les spectacles de Rome (Sylvie Royo)

Peplums - Chroniques antiques

Onomastikon. Dictionary of Names - Ancient World (Kate Monk)

Menahem's site (Menahem Luz)

Spelling of Greek Names

Roman Name (John Porter)

Les Pisons et leurs descendants du III�me si�cle avant J.C. ai II�me si�cle apr�s J.C. (Calpurnii Pisones)

Italian Genealogy (Mimir Well)

Greek Alphabet Table (Brown Univ.)

LacusCurtius: into the Roman World (Bill Thayer)

Women's Life in Greece & Rome

Styles of Roman women

Women at Antiquity (Betsey Halpern & Jennifer Goodall)

Women in Classical Mythology

Women in Greek Mythology (Tina Lee)

Lady Livia's Alcove

Women in Ancient Art (Univ. of Haifa)

Women in Roman Religion

Romanae Antiquae. An Informal Look at the Lives of Women in Ancient Rome

Marriage & Motherhood

Roman Woman & Roman Law

Romanae Antiquae



Erziehung im Klassischen Altertum (R.Klein) - Proseminar

And Adam Knew Eve. A Dictionary of Sex in the Bible (Ronald L. Ecker)

Status of women in the Bible

Bibliography to Jewish Women in Antiquity

Women in Rabbinic Literature (Online Course from JTSURL)

Antiqua Medicina - Gynecology

Eroticism in Antiquity

Eros & Attic vases

Index of Erotic Roman Art Images

Pornography & Representation in Greece & Rome

Obscenity in Classical Latin (Charles Bukowski)

Mistresses & Prostitutes

JBL Sacred Sex

AMEA - World Museum of Erotic Art

Sin of Sodom

Homosexuality in History (Paul Halsall)

Clothing in Greece & Rome

J. Moyr Smith's Ancient Greek Female Costume (Univ. of Kentucky)

Le costume romain

Les v�tements

What the Roman Lady Wears


Jewels of Italy

Female beauty, fashion & jewelry in the Etruscan & Roman world

Casa romana

Age, Gender & Status Divisions at Mealtime in the Roman House

Food in the Ancient World

Taste of the Ancient World (Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, October 24th, 1996 - Summer 1997)

Essen und Trinken in der Antike

Symposium (Food in the Ancient World)

Apicius - De re coqvinaria

Antique Roman Dishes - Collection (Micaela Pantke)

Roman Orgy (Julien Courtois)

Wirtualna historia ksiazki

TABULAE - Handschriften der �NB

Mittelalterliche Handschriften aus der W�rttembergischen Landesbibliothek

Bodleian Library WWW Server - Image Catalogue


Fictional Roman Home Page

Ancient Pipe Organs

Roman Board Games (Wladyslaw Jan Kowalski)

Roman Tali or alternate

Greek Petteia

Roman Ball (Wladyslaw Jan Kowalski)

Cultivating Passion: Vegetables, Belief & Sexuality (John M. McMahon)

Fishy Matters (Food in the Ancient World)

Otherworld Cattle at the EDGE (Hilda Ellis Davidson)

Horse in the Classical World

International Museum of the Horse

Medicina Antiqua (L. T. Pearcy)

Women's Medicine

Malaria e mondo antico

Roman Life Expectancy

Demography of Roman Egypt (Bagnall & Frier)

Forum Romanum - Exploring an ancient market place

Salt made the world go round (David Bloch)

R�mische H�ndler an der Weserm�ndung

History of Plumbing

History of Plumbing in Babylonia or alternate

Ancient Economies (Morris Silver)

Antike Wirtschaftssysteme (Christian Gizewski)

Landwirtschaft und b�uerliche Lebensform im Altertum (Christian Gizewski)

Commerce et culture

Aquae Urbis Romae - the Waters of the City of Rome

Opus Caementitium - Neue Bautechnik der R�mer

Warfare in the Ancient World

Military history: Ancient (Canadian Forces College)

Roman army (Coolmine Community School)

L'Arm�e romaine (Laurent Dubois)

Models of the Roman Legion

Roman Military Sites in Britain

Warfare & tactics of the Roman Republic (Atul Varma)

Siege of   Syracuse (Chris Rorres)

Batailles pour Alesia (Patricia Nies-Berger)

Siege of Masada

Battles of the ancient world: the Second Punic War (Ed Allen)

Roman Legionary Forces in Sicily during the Second Punic War (Edward D. Clark)

Legionary Castra & Castella of Holland

Antonine Guard

LEGIO II AVGVSTA or alternate

Legio III Gallicia

COH IIII Nerviorum

QVINTA (garrisson of Hadrians' wall)

COH V Gallorum

Legio VI Victrix or alternate

Legio VI Ferrata

COH VI Asturum

Legio VIII AUGUSTA or alternate


Legio X Gemina Homepage (Henk-Jan Vrielink) or alternate

LEGIO XIIII GEMINA   or alternate



Armamentarium (Book of Roman Arms & Armour)

Roman armour

L'�volution des casques dans l'antiquit� (Laurent Monchotte/Jean Fran�ois Rouayrenc)


Catapults of the Roman Empire


Skaven's page

Sredniowieczne narzedzia tortur (Waldemar Chadzynski)

Guide to Maritime History Information on the Internet (Peter McCracken)

Maritime History - Links

History & Archaeology of the Ship

Ships of  Discovery

Navigare necesse est (Domenico Carro)

Ancient Ship Construction

Muzej Parusnych Sudov

Institute of Nautical Archaeology's branch in Egypt

Ships of the Ancient Greeks - An Annotated List

Ancient Greek Ships

Athenian Trireme Olympias

Ancient Navigation & Shipbuilding in the Greek & Roman World

Roman Ships

Roman Warship

Vetrina "Classica"

L'ultimo trionfo navale di Roma

Museo Navale Romano - Albenga

Museo delle Navi Romane

Lake Nemi Roman Ship Reconstruction or alternate

Diana Nemorensis

Die Kriegsschiffahrt in der Antike

Neumagen - das Neumagener Weinschiff