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ABZU - Guide to Resources for the Study of the Ancient Near East available on the Internet

History of the Ancient Near East

Univ. of Chicago (Oriental Inst.)

Oriental Studies at Cambridge

Oriental & India Office Collections (Brithish Library)

Oriental Studies in Western Poland

Univ. of Cracow (Inst. of Oriental Studies)

Katedra Orientalistyki i Baltologii

Oriental Collections on WWW

Alamkara 5000 Years of Indian Art

Oriental Studies in Russia

Russian Oriental Internet Resources

Semitic Etymological Dictionary

Seria "Literatury Orientalne" (Wydawnictwo Dialog)

Ancient Economies (Morris Silver)

Ancient East History

Time Line of History in the Middle East

Ancient Middle East & Near Fast Links

Forum Antiquum - Near Eastern & Biblical Studies

Treaties & Legal Contracts from the Ancient Eastern East

Mesopotamia (John Heise) or alternate


Sumer Image Gallery

Treasures of Ur (McClung Museum)

Sumer Software Page

Akkadian Software Related Links

Akkadian Language Page

Akkadian language (John Heise)

History of ancient Babylonia or alternate

Babylonian Texts of the First Millenium

Code of Hammurabi - Glossary of Gods & Placenames (Avalon Project)

Ethics of Sumer, Babylon, & Hittites (Sanderson Beck)

Ziggurats   of Mesopotamia

Assyrian Information Network

Assyria on the Move (Hany Shemon)

Assyria online

Virtual Assyria

Assyrian, Assyria, Nineveh

Assyrian Kings List - Early Period

State Archives of Assyria

Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia

Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative

Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project

Tower of Babel & Babylon, Gilgamesh, Ningizzida, Guadea (Jim A. Cornwell)

Epic of Gilgamesh

Encyclopaedia of the Orient - Iraq

Iraq History

Hittite Home Page

Hatti - Homeland of  the Hittites

Chicago Hittite Dictionary

Persian Empire

Persian History

Cyrus the Great

Ancient Indus Valley culture


Indology - Institutions of interest to indologists

SUB - S�d- und s�dostasiatische Sprachen und Kulturen

Sarasvati Sindhu Civilization, Language & Script

Languages in pre-Islamic Pakistan

John Smith's home page

Languages & Scripts of India

Katha Upanishad - Ancient Model of Inner Man

Rig Veda

Indo-European Comparative Linguistics

Indoeuropean Server (Univ. of Berkeley)

Indo-European Home Page (Deborah W. Anderson) or alternate

Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien

Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library

USC's East Asian Library

Asian Studies WWW VL

Internet Resources on East Asia

Resources for the Study of East Asian Language & Thought

Languages of Mongolia

Documentation Center for Oriental Studies (Kyoto)

Timeline of the History of China

World Heritage Sites in China

China Netguide

China Resources - Archaeology

Earliest example of Chinese writing found

Chinese Linguistics Page


Internet Accesses of Chinese Language Data

Chinese-Language-Related Information Page

Sprache und Literatur Chinas

Different perspectives on literacy in Chinese, Korean & Japanese

Chinese Cultural Studies - Texts

Classical Chinese Philosophy Page

Confucianism & Taoism- Substantial Textual Web Resources

Bibliography of Taoism in European Languages

Philosophy in Cyberspace


Art of War

Iriz Home Page

Far East Cast Coinage

Workshop on Cast Chinese Copper Coins

Controversies over the History of Early Chinese Money or alternate

South-East Asia Coins & Related Web Links

Chinese coin reference guide

Ancient & Medieval China

Forschungsprojekt: Das alte Rom und das alte Chine - ein Vergleich der soziokulturellen Strukturen

Japan Guide

WWW Servers in Japan

National Museum of Japanese History

Korean links -Virtual Library

Korea WWW Links

Finder for WWW Sites in Korea

Gateway to Korea

Sprache und Kultur Koreas

Ancient History of Korea

Kory� Dynasty

Choson Dynasty

Korean History Project

Korean Historical Connection Home Page

South Korea History

Korean Studies Internet Resources

Association for Korean Studies in Europe

Early Philosophies & Philosophers in Korea

Ancient Egypt Resources

Egyptologists' Electronic Forum

Yale Egyptology

Website gor Egyptology (Univ. of California, Los Angeles)

Ancient Egypt & World prehistory

Magic & Mysteries of Ancient Egypt

Novedades en mi P�gina de Egiptolog�a

Ancient Egypt


Gavin`s Egyptomania Pages

Egiptolog�a (Agust�n Barahona)

Antiguo Egipto

Amigos de la Egiptologia

Egipt (Michal Macierzynski)

Egiptologia - Artigos - Holos virtual

Ancient Egypt Website

Digital Mummies

Belgrade Mummy Web Site

A Virtual Tomb for Kelvingrove: Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Education (Melissa Terras)

Life in Ancient Egypt

L'�gypte des Pharaons

Insiders Egypt

Egypt & Art

Egyptian Museum in Cairo

Wonders of Ancient Egypt

Inst. of Egyptian Art (Univ. of Memphis)

Rigby`s World of Egypt

L'or des pharaons

Egyptian Culture Center (Waseda Univ.)

Virtual Egyptian Museum

Theban Mapping Project

Tour of Egypt (Archaeological Institute of America at San Diego)

Asociacion espa�ola de Egiptologia

African Studies WWW

History of African studies

Univ. of Warsaw (Dept. of African Languages & Cultures)

Art & Life in Africa Online

Encyclopaedia of the Orient - Syria

Studies & sites on Arab society & culture

Centre of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law

Arabic & Islamic Studies - useful links

Dale Frake's Arabic Web Page

Nabatean religion & culture

Holy Qur'an Resources on the Internet

Sunnah of Muhammad

La Bible et l'Evangile dans le Koran

Franciscan Center of Christian Oriental Studies

Islamic Coins



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