Bibliotheca Classica Selecta

L'ann�e philologique

Bryn Mawr Classical Review Web Site

UMI-Dissertations Abstracts

DISS: Dissertation Abstracts On-line

Classical Dissertations & Theses in Progress: 1998   1997

Brown University Thesis in Classics

Euristote - Dissertations on Europe

Dissertations - Searching

Index theses of Great Britain and Ireland

Directory of PhD and DPhil Theses in the UK and Ireland - Classics and related subjects

Teseo - Tesis doctorales leidas en las Universidades espa�olas

Dissertationsverzeichnis der Mommsengesellschaft

Saarbr�cker Dissertationen

Dissertationen - Freitextsuche

Datenbankabfrage Magister- und Dissertationsthemen

Wirtschaftsstudien & Diplomarbeiten

�sterreichische Dissertationsdatenbank

Polish dissertations & thesis

Katalog prac magisterskich i doktorskich ATK w Warszawie

Baza prac magisterskich

Edina -Art Abstracts

Deutsche Nationalbibliographie

Nordrhein-Westf�lische Bibliographie

ISBN espa�ol

Indice SBN italiano

JADE (Journal Articles & Abstract Database)

Synopsis (annually index to the scholarly publications on Greek Studies)

Bibliographic Search (Australian National Centre for Excellence in Maritime Archaeology)

Database of Classical Bibliography or alternative

Office for Official Publication of the European Communities - Publisher for Europe

H-Net Book Reviews by book author

Subito - Dokumentlieferdienst der Deutschen Bibliotheken

INFOBAZA - National Information about Databases for Science

Instauratio Magna

Digital Classroom


�sterreichisches Archiv

Belgian Archives

Polish State Archives

Archiwum Akt Nowych (Warszawa)

Archiwum Panstwowe w Gdansku

Elektronische Publikationen


Bibliographie zur Einf�hrung in die Alte Geschichte

Klassifizierung von altertumswissenschaftlicher Sekund�rliteratur (nach der Systematik von Zdzislaw Zmigrader-Konopka u. Iza Biezunska

Chloris - Aegean Bronze Age Bibliography

Nestor - Bibliography of Aegean Prehistory & Related Areas (Univ. of Cincinnati)

Teiresias - A review and continuing bibliography of Boiotian studies

Bibliographie platonicienne

Bibliography for Greek social history

Bibliography for Roman social history

Tools of the Trade for the Study of Roman Literature (Lowell Edmunds & Shirley Werner)

Historical Archaeology

Anual Bibliography of Portuguese History - Arqueologia e Hist�ria antiga

Magie bibliographie & resources

Ancient Medicine - Bibliographical Resources

Warfare in the Ancient World (Hugh Elton)

Warfare in the Greek world (Hugh Elton)

Ancient Greek world: warfare (Univ. of Pennsylvania)

L'�volution des casques dans l'antiquit� - Bibliographie

Bibliography of  Roman military equipment (Armamentarivm)

Military affairs in late antiquity (Hugh Elton/Trinity College)

Roman Army Bibliography

Bibliography of Roman military history in Britain (Peter Green & Jim Stewart)

Roman Navy (Classics Britannica)

Arch-Metals Bibliography

Arch-Metals Archaeo-Metallurgical Bibliography

David Rotenstein's Blacksmithing References: History & Archaeology Bibliography

Bibliography on Roman Domestic Architecture (Joshua Brandt)

Bibliography classical theatre (John Porter)

Roman Family Bibliography

Noema - Collaborative Bibliography of Women in Philosophy

Women in Antiquity

Bibliography to Jewish Women in Antiquity

Bibliography of Childhood in Antiquity (Meir Bar-Ilan) - partly full-text or alternate


Bibliography of education on Greece & Rome

Homosexuality - Annotated bibliography

Greek City States & Etruscan Citadels

Bibliographie zur Sp�tantike

Neue Forschungen zur Sp�tantike

Titus - Bibliography of the Italic Languages

Ancient Law Bibliography

David Daube - Bibliography compiled by Eddie Yeghiayan

Bibliographie hom�rique 1991-97 (Projet Homerica)

Hom�re � travers les livres

Pindar Bibliography

Aeschylus bibliography

Bibliography on Euripides

Short Bibliography on Thucydides (Lowell Edmunds)

Bibliography of Hellenistic Poetry (Martijn Cuypers)

Bibliography of Hellenistic Epigram

Bibliography of Callimachus

Bibliography for Apollonius Rhodius or alternative

Bibliography of Theocritus

Bibliography of Aratus

Bibliography of Nicander

Bibliography of Quintus Smyrnaeus

Bibliography of Nonnus

Bibliographia Archimedeana (Antreas P. Hatzipolakis)

Cicero Bibliography (Bob Cape, Chris Craig)

Auswahlbibliographie zu Cicero (Joachim Gruber)

Livy Bibliographie (Timothy J. Moore)

Tite-Live Historien de Rome

Bibliography of Vergilian Scholarship - Index

Bibliographic guide to Vergil's Aeneid (Shirley Werner)

Ovid im WWW (Ulrich Schmitzer)

Recent Ovidian Bibliography (Sean Redmond)

Ovid's Metamorphosen - Bibliographie

Vitruv und Vitruvianismus

Apicius' small bibliography

Tacitus- Basic Bibliography

Plutarch Bibliography

Ploutarchos -Website of the International Plutarch Society

Apuleius Bibliographies


Bibliographie zu Origenes (Lorenzo Perrone

Gr�goire de Nazianze - Bibliographie (Universit� Catholique de Louvain)

Gregor of   Nyssa-Bibliographie (David A. Salomon, Richard McCambly)

Jackson Bryce's bibliography of Lactantius

Bibliographie d'Augustin sur la guerre et la paix


Cassiodorus Bibliography

Bibliographic Information Base in Patristics

Bibliografia patrystyczna (Henryk Pietras SJ)

Bibliographie biblique

Bibliografia polskich tlumaczen Ojc�w Kosciola (ks. Jan Slomka)

E-Bibliotheca (Pomoerium)

And Adam Knew Eve. A Dictionary of Sex in the Bible (Ronald L. Ecker)

Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon

Literatur zu den Rollen vom Toten Meer (Astrid Ambros)

Bibliographic Guides in Byzantine Studies

Electronic styles: A Handbook for citing electronic information

MLA-Style Citations of Electronic Sources (Janice R. Walker)

Internet Citation Guide.

Citing Internet Sources

Alex: A Catalogue of Electronic Texts on the Internet

Rhetorical Terms

Architectural Terms

Dictionnaires de l'Antiquit�

Perseus Lexica

Liddell-Scott-Jones Greek Lexicon

Online Hellenistic Greek Grammar

Lewis & Short Latin Lexicon (Perseus project/Tufts Univ.)

Greek & Hebrew dictionary index

Greek-Spanish Dictionary

Orbis Latinus

Dictionary latin-english

Dictionnaire latin-fran�ais

Encyclopaedia Romana (James Grout)

Das Latein-W�rterbuch

Electronic Library for Ancient Historians (Callie Williamson )

Nupedia Encyclopedic Project

Atlas of the world

Historical atlas of Europe & the Middle East

Encyclopedias, dictionaries

OneLook Dictionaries

Web of On-line Dictionaries

Encyclopedia Britannica

Terminology Collection - Online Dictionaries

Websters dictionary

WWWebster Dictionary


Oxford English Dictionary

Dictionnaires de Langues



Encarta online

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy


Glossary for Introduction to Judaism (Robert A. Kraft/Univ. of Pennsylvania)

Encyclopedia Mythica

Catholic Encyclopedia

Mini Encyklopedia Sredniowiecza