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vol. 25, 1947:Leiv AMUNDSEN, Notes to the preface of Livy, pp. 31-35
Erik EGGEN, Postquam calix Babilonis, pp. 74-79
Samson EITREM, A purificatory rite & some allied rites de passage, pp. 36-53
Fritz M. HEICHELHEIM, G. SCHWARZENBERGER, An edict of Constantine the Great. A contribution to the study of interpolations, pp. 1-19
Marcel RICHARD, Une ancienne collection d'hom�lies grecques sur les psaumes I-XV, pp. 54-73
Gunnar RUDBERG, Wissen und Tugend. Eine Sokrates-Frage, pp. 20-25
Eiliv SKARD, Eine Bemerkung �ber sp�tr�misches Strafrecht in einer Homilie des "Sophisten" Asterios, pp. 80-82
Eiliv SKARD, Vexilium virtutis, pp. 26-30