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vol. 6, 1952:

A. BATAILLE, P. Clermont-Ganneau 3-5, pp. 185-

Bedrich HROZN�, A2-Lu Jaluka = The capital of the empire of Pylos = Ancient name of Pylos?, pp. 15

Bedrich HROZN�, Le mot Tabarupaluta des inscriptions de Pylos, p. 15

Bedrich HROZN�, New contribution to knowledge of the religious, social & public conditions on the Pelopennesus (E.L. Benett, The Pylos tablets, Preliminary transciption), pp. 11-13

Bedrich HROZN�, Une inscription de Pylos (E.L. Benett, Pylos tablets, p. An 21). Essai de d�chiffrement, pp. 7-9

Josef KL�MA, Bibliographisches zum Keilschriftrecht, pp. 153-184

Arnold KR�NZLEIN, Die papyri Vind. inv. 25824a/,25824b/ und Amh. 65, pp. 195-237

Henryk KUPISZEWSKI, Surveyorship in the law of Greco-Roman Egypt, pp. 257-268

J�zef MODRZEJEWSKI, Private arbitration in the law of Greco-Roman Egypt, pp. 239-256

B.R. REES, The defensor civitatis in Egypt, pp. 73-102

Ernst SCH�NBAUER, Deditizier, Doppelb�rgerschaft und Personalit�ts-prinzip, p. 17-72

Raphael TAUBENSCHLAG, Die Streitgenossenschaft im Rechte der Papyri, pp. 143-151

Raphael TAUBENSCHLAG, Il diritto provincial romano nel libro Siro-romano, pp. 103-119

Raphael TAUBENSCHLAG, Survey of the literature chiefly 1951 till 1952, pp. 269-293

Raphael TAUBENSCHLAG, Survey of the papyri & other publications chiefly from 1951 till 1952, pp. 295-322

Raphael TAUBENSCHLAG, The imperial constitutions in the papyri, pp. 121-142