Myths & Legends of the World

Mythical Creatures

Atalante - Mythologies en tout genre

Myths of the Ancient Near East Myth

Sumerian mythology

Epic of Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh Summary

Necronomicon & Ancient Sumer - Dubunking the Myth

Tower of Babel &Babylon, Gilgamesh, Ningizzida, Gudea

Sumerian & Assyro-Babylonian Mythology

Babylonian & Assyrian Mythology FAQ or alternate or alternate

Code of Hammurabi - Glossary of Gods & Placenames (Avalon Project)

Babylonian Religion

Babylonian Texts of the First Millenium

Ethics of Sumer, Babylon, & Hittites (Sanderson Beck)

Ancient Legends

Egyptian Religion

Egyptian mythology or alternate

Mifologija Drievniego Egipta

Memphite Theology

Gl�wni bogowie [Egiptu]

Religie egipskie

Akhentef's World - Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Egypt

Web de Ptah or alternate

El Egipto de los grandes sacerdotes

Amigos de la Egiptologia

Magia Egipcia

Egyptian Book of the Dead

Timeline of Ancient Egypt

Egypt & Art

Egyptologists' Electronic Forum

Yale Egyptology

Hindu Gods & Goddesses

Avesta Web Server


Shamanism & the drug propaganda - Phoenissa

Nabatean religion & culture

Encyclopaedia Mythica

Classical Myth - The Ancient sources (Laurel Bowman)

Thomas Bulfich's Mythology or alternate

Ancient Astrology and Divination on the Web

Die Sagen des klassischen Altertums von Gustav Schwab

Die G�tter Griechenlands von Heinrich Heine

Mythologia 97

The Enzyclopedia Mythica

Brandon's Mythology

Dictionary of Mythology

IPL Pathfinder - Greek Mythology


Greek Mythology (J.M. Hunt)

Pastel's Palace - Greek Mythology

Greek Mythology Link (Carlos Paradas)

Vicki's Greek Mythology Links & Information

Classical Mythology

Classical Myth

Myths & Legends (Christopher B. Siren)

Tragic Kingdom

Mythology Home Page (Ruth Webb)

Ability's Classical Mythology Page

Greek Mythology & Prehistory

La mythologie grecque

Homepage de Philippe

Characters of Greek Mythology

Captivate- greek mythology

Einf�hrung in die antike Mythologie

Griechische Mythologie

Leyendas y Mitos Griegos

Mythos Griegos

Sinopsis de Personajes Griegos

Silent Grove-Museum


Welcome to Attica

Mythologie-Homepage (Hans-Peter Siegfried/Kantonsschule Wetzikon)

Poseidon's Greek Mythology Page

Palace of Poseidon

Anticznaja Mifologija

Mythology in Western Art (Univ. of Haifa)

Loci Antiqui (Demetrios Ioannides)

Tesalia - la web de mitologia clasica


Greek Mythology Link Pyramus

House of Hades

Guide to Greek Gods

Greek Gods

Olympian Gods - Images & Texts (Univ. of Victoria) or alternate

Mythtext - Home of Guide to the Gods

Ancient Greek Gods

Bienvenue sur l'Olympe

Shadow of Olympos


Star's Greek Mythology

AthenaGray's Mythology Page

Shrine of the Goddess Athena

Internet Temple of Athena

Index of Greek & Roman Deities

Mythology (CyberLatin)

Origin of the Centaurs

House of the Kabiri

Mythologische Prachtreliefs (Univ. Erlangen)

Stammbaum der griechischen Mythologie

Gro�er Stammbaum der griechischen Mythologie

Greekweb - Kronos

Hercules (Tufts University)

Myth of Cheiron

Locator Maps for Myth & Greek Tragedy (Dr. John E. Thorburn Jr.)

Family Tree of Greek Mythology

Classical Mythology by Geography

Ancient Goddesses & Gender Variance

Parthenon Graphics

Classical Religion

Religio Romana

I culti della Campania antica

Women in Classical Mythology (Mark Woon)

Women in Roman Religion

Encyclopedia mythica - Etruscan mythology

Roman mythology

Roman mythology & art

Roman Mythology

List of all the Roman Gods (Robert O'Connell)


Personal der Metamorphosen

Les n�r�ides dans les mosa�ques romaines

Roman Gods in Pompeii

Skaven's page

Roman Religion Homepage

Religija Drievniej Ellady i Rima

Religion romaine (Laurent Dubois)

Religio Romana

Religion & Death (Food in the Ancient World)

Mitologia de Cantabria

Ancient Astrology

Star Myths of the Greeks & Romans - Sourcebook (Theony Condos)

Des sph�res dans le ciel de Rome

Astronomisches Kalenderwesen (Dirk Husfeld)

Propriet�s des nombres

Greek Number System

Roman Numeral Converter

History & Religion (Forum Romanum)

Ancient Calendars

Early Roman Calendars or alternate

Roman Calendar or alternate or alternate

Roman Kalendar

Calendario romano

Le calendrier romain

Histoire des diff�rents calendriers romains

Months in Ancient Italy

cf. Islamic Calendar

Mexican Heritage Almanac

Convertidor de fechas al calendario azteca

Festivals & Celebrations of the Ancient World

Roman Holidays


At the Edge archive- From mountain to temple to house

Shamanism & the drug propaganda - Idolatry

Las cabezas cortadas y la pila de sacrificios humanos: ritos c�lticos en Arag�n (Manuel Medrano, Maria Antonia Diaz)

Human sacrifice

Traces of the ancient forms of cannibalistic ritual in Christianity

Transformation of Rituals (H. Cancik)

Prosopographie r�mischer Priesterschaften (H. Cancik)

Medusa - Mythology Examination

Significance of Fire to the Celts

Advent of Dionysus - Online Book

Pythia's Page or alternate

Ancient Spirituality of Gallae & Amazons

Mythos of Attis & the Secret of the Gallae

Gallae & the Goddess Cybele

Battakes- Archigalla before the Roman Senate

Mithraism (David Fingrut)

Mithraism (Alison B. Griffith) or alternate

Mithraism (David Fingrut)

Mithras (Payam Nabarz)

Cosmic Mysteries of Mithras (David Ulansey)

Cult of Mithras

Temple of Mithras

Relief of Mithras the Bull-Slayer

Official Mithrasic Faith HomePage

Temple of   Mithras near Hadrian's wall

Carrawburgh Mithraeum or alternate

Mathematics of the Ancient Mysteries

Eleusian Mysteries (Edward A. Beach)

Eleusinian Mysteries

Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii (James Jackson)

Story of Persephone

Hymn to Demeter

Alexandria on the Web

Hypatia of Alexandria (Howard Landman)

Hypatia - The Greatest Human of All

Martyrdom of Hypatia

JBL Sacred Sex

Traces of the ancient forms of cannibalistic ritual in Christianity

Manichaean materials

Neil W. Bernstein Homepage

Religions orientales

Hermes Trismegistus or alternate

Hermes Trismegistus & Amenophis IV

Corpus Hermeticum or alternate

HermeticNet or alternate

Hermetic Fellowship

Hermetic Links Page


Muspelnacht Library

Scientifica Hermetica

Inmortality spiritual (curious)

Secretum Secretorum

Zenit Ermetismo

Phanes Press

Aurora Dorada

Stele - Homepage of the Omphalos


Dogon World