A Parte Rei - Revista de Filosof�a de la Sociedad de Estudios Filos�ficos de Madrid

A2HPS3 - Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy & Social Studies of Science


Acheronta - Revista de Psicoanalisis y Cultura

Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

Acta Classica Monacensia

Acta Diurna

Acta Juridicia Hungarica

Acta Tempestiva - ARCHEO Newsbrief. Recent Discoveries & Work in Roman Art & Archaeology

Acta Universitatis Iagiellonicae

Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici - Historia

Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis - Antiquitas


Aeon or alternate

Aegaeum - Annales d'Arch�ologie �g�enne de l'Universit� de Li�ge


Aerial Archaeology Newsletter

Aetas - T�rt�nettudom�nyi foly�irat

African Philosophy

AJA Books


Alexandria - Cosmology, Philosophy, Myth & Culture or alternate

Das Altertum

Der Altprachliche Unterricht

American Anthropologist 

American Antiquity - Covers & TOC from Society for American Archaeology

American Archaeology

American Association of Philosophy Teachers Newsletter

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly

American Historical Review

American Imago - Studies in Psychoanalysis and Culture

American Jewish Archives

American Jewish History

American Journal of Archaeology

American Journal of Philology or alternate or alternate

American Journal of Psychology 

American Journal of Sociology

American Oriental Society Newsletter

American Philosophical Quarterly

American Sociological Review

Analecta Bollandiana

Analecta Romana Instituti Danici


An�mnesis - Revista de Teolog�a

Ancient History Bulletin (full-text) or alternate

Ancient Medicine-Medicina Antiqua

Ancient Narrative


Animus - Philosophical journal for our time

Anistoriton - History & Archaeology Electronic Magazine (D. I. Loizos)

Annals of Science

L'ann�e philologique

Annual Review of Law & Ethics


AnthroGlobe Journal 


Anthropological Review Database

Anthropology Theory

Anthropology Today

Anticomoderno - Quaderni di letteratura

L'antiquit� tardive


Antiquity Magazine

Anuario Filos�fico



Arabic Sciences & Philosophy

Arachnion - Journal of Ancient Literature & History (full-text)

Arcadia - Zeitschrift f�r allgemeine und vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft

Archaeologia Bulgarica

Archaeological Computing Newsletter (Oxford)

Archaeological Dialogues

Arch�ologie in Deutschland

Arch�ologischer Anzeiger

Arch�ologisches Nachrichtenblatt


Archaeology Online 

Archaeology & Public Education

Archaeology Ireland or alternate

Archeologia - Rivista bimensile ufficiale dei Gruppe Archeologici d'Italia


Archeologia uomo territorio - Rivista scientifica dei Gruppi Archeologici d'Italia

Archeologia Viva - Bimestrale di archeologia

Archeo Magazine

Archeologia Uomo Territorio - Rivista Scientifica dei Gruppi Archeologici d'Italia

Archeologia Viva

Archipi�lago Arqueol�gico - Revista Canaria de Arqueolog�a y Etnograf�a

Archiv f�r Begriffsgeschichte (Univ. Bochum)

Archiv fuer Geschichte der Philosophie

Archiv f�r Kulturgeschichte

Archiv f�r Religionswissenschaft

Arch�v Orient�ln�

Arethusa (full-text) or alternate


Arid Lands Newsletter

Arion - Journal of Humanities & the Classics

Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume

Arob@se - Journal des Lettres & Sciences Humaines (full-text)

Arqueolitic - Revivamos la prehistoria

ARQUEOHISPANIA - Archaeology of ancient Hispania or alternate

Arqueolog�a del entorno del Bajo Guadiana

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence & Law

Artificial Intelligence Review

Aschkenas - Zeitschrift f�r Geschichte und Kultur der Juden


Asian Philosophy

Assemblage - Sheffield Graduate Journal of Archaeology or alternate

Association for Symbolic Logic Newsletter

Astrophysical Journal

At The Edge Archives

Atheist Archives

Ateneum Kaplanskie

Athena Review - Quarterly Journal of Archeology, History, & Exploration

Atrium for devotees of ancient Greece & Rome

Augustinian Studies

Auslegung - An International Journal of Philosophy

Australasian Journal of Philosophy

Australian Humanities Review

AutAut - Rivista di Filosofia


BAHR - Bulletin Analytique d'Histoire Romaine (Strasbourg)

Balcanica Posnaniensia

El Basilisco - Revista de Filosof�a, Ciencias Humanas, Teor�a de la Ciencia y de la Cultura

BASP - Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists

Behavioural & Brain Sciences

Berliner Studien f�r classische Philologie und Arch�ologie

Biblical Archaeologist - Perspectives on the Ancient World from Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean

Biblical Studies on the Web

Biblical Theology Bulletin

Biblioteczny Biuletyn Comiesieczny (Univ. Torun)

BICA - Bulletin of Information on Computing in Anthropology

Bild der Wissenschaft

Biology & Philosophy

Biuletyn Informacyjny NASK

Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch f�r Antike und Mittelalter

Body & Society

El Bolet�n FILESP (de la filosof�a en espa�ol)

Boston Review A Political and Literary Forum

Brain & Language

Bridges - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theology, Philosophy, History & Science

Britannia (Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies)

British Archaeology

British Journal for the History of Philosophy

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science

British Journal of Aesthetics

British Journal of Educational Studies

Bryn Mawr Classical Review (full-text) or alternate

Bryn Mawr Reviews

El Buho - Revista de Filosof�a

Bulletin of Information on Computing in Anthropology 

Bulletin of Symbolic Logic

Bulletin of the Society for Archaeological Sciences

Bulletin of the Society for American Archaeology

Bulletin de l'Institut Historique Belge de Rome

Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists

Bulletin of the Asia Institute

Bulletin of the History of Medicine

Bulletin of the Society for American Archaeology

Caduceus - The Hermetic Quaterly

Cambridge Archaeological Journal

Canadian Atheist

Canadian Classical Bulletin or alternate

How to subscribe

Current volume

Canadian Classical Review

Canadian Journal of Philosophy

Carmina Philosophiae


Cat�logo de Revistas Mexicanas

Caucasian Regional Studies

Cauda Pavonis - Revista de estudios herm�ticos (Univ. Washington)

La Caverna de Platon - Revista de filosofia


Chicago House Bulletin

Chronicon - An On-line Journal of History

Chrysopoeia (Soci�t� d'�tude de l'Histoire de l'Alchimie)

Classica Cracoviensia

Classica Wratislaviensia

Classical Antiquity or alternate or alternate

Classical News Bulletin Board - Recent Classical & Archaeological News Stories

Classical Philology

Classical Quarterly

Classical Review

Classical Studies (Kyoto)

Classics Ireland (full-text)

Classics Newsletter (Univ. Florida)

Codices Manuscripti



Coin World or alternate

Collectanea Classica Thoruniensia


Common Knowledge

Comparativ - Leipziger Beitr�ge zur Universalgeschichte und vergleichenden Gesellschaftsforschung

Comparative Studies in Society and History

Computational Intelligence

Computers in the Humanities

Computers & Texts (full-text)

Conference - A Journal of Philosophy & Theory

Consciousness & Cognition

Constellations - An International Journal of Critical & Democratic Theory

Contemporary European History

Continental Philosophy Review

Continuity & Change - A Journal of Social Structure, Law & Demography in Past Societies

Coptologia Journal

Cracow Indological Studies

Creativity Research Journal

Critical Inquiry

Critical Review

Critique of Anthropology

Cromohs - Cyber Review of Modern Historiography

Cronaca Numismatica

Cronaca Numismatica - Monthly Magazine of Coins, Banknotes, Medals & Antique Bonds

Cultural Anthropology

Cultural Anthropology Methods Journal 

Cultural Dynamics

Cultural Values

Current Anthropology 

Current Archaeology

Current History

Cyberarqueologo portugues

Cybernetics & Human Knowing

Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne

Daedalus - Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences

De Proverbio or alternate

Debatte - Review of Contemporary German Affairs

Deutsche Zeitchrift f�r Philosophie

Deutsches Archiv f�r Erforschung des Mittelalters

Dialogism - An International Journal of Bakhtin Studies

Dialogos - Hellenic Studies Review or alternate

Dialogue - Canadian Philosophical Review

Dialogues d'Histoire Ancienne


Didascalia - Ancient Theater Today or alternate

Dimension2 - Contemporary German-Language Literature

Discourse - An Interdisciplinary Philosophical Journal

Discover Archaeology Online


Disputatio - An International Transdisciplinary Journal of the Late Middle Ages (Northwestern UP)

Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica



e-CASTREXO (Asociaci�n de Amigos del Museo del Castro de Viladonga sobre la Cultura castre�a y la Cultura galaico-romana)

Echos du Monde Classique

Economics & Philosophy

Editorial Letralia

Educational Theory

Education Philosophy & Theory


Edutec - Revista Electr�nica de Tecnolog�a Educativa

E-HAWK. On-Line Military History Journal


Electronic Antiquity or alternate

Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy

Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy

Electronic telegraph

Elementa - The Journal of Slavic Studies & COmparative Cultural Semiotics



Ends & Means - Journal of the Univ. of Aberdeen Centre for Philosophy Technology & Society

Environment & History

Eos - Commentarii Societatis Philologae Polonorum

Epea pteroenta, Bulletin du Centre d'�tudes hom�riques

Epigraphica with Indice dei luoghi

Epoch� - A Journal for the History of Philosophy

Eranos. Acta philologica Suecana or alternate or alternate


Essays in History - A Publication of the Corcoran Dept. of History (Univ. of Virginia)

Estudio inductivo de la Biblia

Estudios Bibliogr�ficos de Filosof�a

Ethical Theory & Moral Practice

Ethics - An International Journal of Social, Political, & Legal Philosophy

Ethics & Behaviour

Ethnologie Heute




Ethnos - Nation

Ethology and Sociobiology


Etruscan News

�tudes Classiques

�tudes maritainiennes


European History Quarterly

European Journal of Archaeology

European Journal of Philosophy

European Review of History

Evolution : international journal of organic evolution 

Eye of Egypt

Existentia - Meletaisophias

Ex Libris OnLine

Fernand Braudel Center - Newsletter

Florentia Iliberritana - Revista de Estudios de Antig�edad Cl�sica

Food & Foodways - Explorations in the History & Culture of Human Nourishment

Forum Archaeologiae - Zeitschrift f�r klassische Arch�ologie or alternate

Forum Classicum - Zeitschrift f�r die F�cher Latein und Griechisch an Schulen und Universit�ten

Forum f�r osteurop�ische Ideen� und Zeitgeschichte

Forum Historiae Juris

Foundations of Science

Frankfurter Althistorische Beitr�ge

Fuzzy Sets & Systems

Gaceta arqueol�gica - Ciberjob

Gacetilla de Arquelog�a

Gaia. Revue interdisciplinaire sur la Gr�ce archa�que 

Gazeta de Antropologia

Gender & History


GEO Wissenschaftsinformationen 

Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht

Geschichte und Informatik

Gnomon online

G�ttinger Forum f�r Altertumswissenschaft


Grazer Philosophische Studien

Greece & Rome or alternate

Gymnasium - Zeitschrift f�r Kultur der Antike und Humanistische Bildung



Halcyon - Journal of the Humanities

Harvard Studies in Classical Philology

Heights of Galilee - Electronic Journal (Safad & Galilee Research Center)


Hellenistic Greek linguistics pages

Helios - A Journal Devoted to Critical & Methodological Studies of Classical Culture, Literature, & Society or alternate

Hermetic Journal

Heythrop Journal

Historia & Informatica

Historia Mathematica

Historical Journal

Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences

Historische Anthropologie - Kultur - Gesellschaft - Alltag

History & Philosophy of Logic

History & Philosophy of the Life Sciences

History & Technology

History & Theory - Studies in the Philosophy of History

History Magazine

History of European Ideas

History of Philosophy Quarterly

History of Political Thought or alternate

History of Psychology

History of the Human Sciences

History Reviews On-Line

Historical Metallurgy Society Journal with contents

Historische Sprachforschung

Historische Zeitschrift

169, 1949 – 199, 1964

200, 1965 – 232, 1981

233, 1981 – 264, 1997

Historisches Jahrbuch der G�rres-Gesellschaft

1, 1880 – 61, 1941

62-69, 1942-49 – 117, 1997

History Magazine

History Reviews On-Line

History of European Ideas

History of the Human Sciences

History of Philosophy Quarterly

Histos - The New Electronic Journal of Ancient Historiography

Holy Land

Homme - Zeitschrift f�r Feministische Geschichtswissenschaft

Human nature

Human Organization 


Humanistica Lovaniensia


Human Studies - A Journal for Philosophy & the Social Sciences

Hypatia - Journal of Feminist Philosophy

IANUS - Informationen zum Altsprachlichen Unterricht

IIAS Newsletters (International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden & Amsterdam)

Idealistic Studies

Ilustracion - Revista de Filosofia


Indogermanische Forschungen

Indo-Iranian Journal

Information & Computation or alternate

Information Philosophie

Information Sciences


Inquiry - Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines

Intellectual History Newsletter


International Archives on the History of Science

International Journal of Historical Archaeology 

International Journal of Human Computer Studies

Internet Journal of Anthropological Studies

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion

International Journal for the Psychology of Religion

International Journal for the Semiotics of Law

International Journal of Expert Archaeology

International Journal of Hindu Studies

International Journal of  Nautical Archaeology or alternate

International Journal of Philosophical Studies

International Journal of the Classical Tradition (Washington)

International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness & Knowledge-Based Systems

International Medieval Bibliography

International Studies in Philosophy

International Studies in the Philosophy of Science or alternate

Internet Archaeology (full-text)

Internet Journal of Anthropological Studies

Ioudaios Review or alternate (full-text)

Iranica Cracoviensia


Israel Studies

Jahrbuch f�r Antisemitismusforschung

Jahrbuch f�r Numismatik und Geldgeschichte or alternate

Jahrbuch f�r Recht und Ethik

Jahrb�cher f�r Geschichte Osteuropas

JAIR - Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

Jewish Art

Jewish Bible Quarterly

Jewish History

Jewish Quarterly Review

Jewish Social Studies

Jewish Studies

Jewish Studies Quarterly

Jewish Thought & Philosophy

JOM - Journal of Metals

Journal des �tudes de la Cabale

Journal for General Philosophy of Science

Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour

Journal History & Computing

Journal of Ancient Civilizations

Journal of Anthropological Archaeology or alternate

Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

Journal of Artificial Societies & Social Simulation

Journal of Assyrian Academic Studies

Journal of Behavioral & Brain Sciences

Journal of Biblical Studies (full-text)

Journal of Chinese Philosophy

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience

Journal of Consciousness Studies or alternate

Journal of Conservation & Museum Studies

Journal of Cuneiform Studies

Journal of Early Christian Studies or alternate

Journal of Economic Theory

Journal of Electronic Publishing

Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence

Journal of Field Archaeology (Boston Univ.)

Journal of Hebrew Scriptures (full-text)

Journal of Higher Criticism (full-text)

Journal of Higher Education

Journal of Higher Nervous Activity

Journal of Human Values

Journal of Humanistic Psychology

Journal of Indian Philosophy

Journal of Indo-European Studies

Journal of Intelligent Systems

Journal of Interdisciplinary History

Journal of Islamic Studies

Journal of Jewish Thought & Philosophy

Journal of Juristic Papyrology

Journal of Legal History

Journal of Legal Studies

Journal of Logic, Language & Information

Journal of Material Culture

Journal of Mathematical Psychology

Journal of Medieval Latin

Journal of Medieval & Early Modern Studies

Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission

Journal of  Mind & Behaviour

Journal of Modern History

Journal of Near Eastern Studies

Journal of Neoplatonic Studies

Journal of Philosophical Logic

Journal of Philosophical Research

Journal of Political Philosophy

Journal of Religion

Journal of Religious Ethics

Journal of Risk & Uncertainty

Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies

Journal of Roman Archaeology

Journal of Semantics

Journal of Semitic Studies

Journal of Semitics

Journal of Slavic Military Studies

Journal of Social & Evolutionary Systems

Journal of Social Philosophy

Journal of Speculative Philosophy

Journal of Symbolic Logic

Journal of Syriac Studies

Journal of the American Academy of Religion

Journal of the History of Biology

Journal of the History of Ideas or alternate

Journal of the History of Philosophy

Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 

Journal of Theological Studies

Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Psychology

Journal of the Warburg & Courtauld Institutes

Journal of Women�s History

Journal of World Anthroplogy

Journal of World-Systems Research

Journal of Value Inquiry

KADMOS - Zeitschrift f�r vor- und fr�hgriechische Epigraphik

Kea - Journal of Cultural Sciences 


Kinesis - Graduate Journal in Philosophy

Klio - Beitr�ge zur Alten Geschichte or alternate or alternate

KMT Online - A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt

Knowledge Engineering Review

K�lner Zeitschrift f�r Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie

Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej

Kwartalnik Historyczny

Labeo - Rassegna di Diritto Romano

Laboratoire d'analyse statistique des langues anciennes - Revue

Language & Communication

Late Antiquity Newsletter (Ralph W. Mathisen)


Law & Critique

Law & History Review

Law & Philosophy

Law & Social Inquiry

Legal Theory

Leo Baeck Institute Year Book

LIBRES - Library & Information Science Research or alternate


Linguistics & Philosophy

Linguistik Online

Liste Filologick�

L�dzkie Studia Teologiczne

Logical Analysis & History of Philosophy

Longman Latin Newsletter
